Polyscias guilfoylei
Common Name: Geranium Leaf Aralia, Coffee panax
Geranium Aralia is a tropical plant native to southeast Asia and is commonly used as a houseplant. They are slow-growing and tolerate pruning to keep the size where you want it. Without pruning, they will reach 6-8 feet tall. If the temperature drops below 50 F they will lose their leaves. The showy leaves are often variegated with white or yellow margins or they can be all green. They rarely flower as a houseplant. Grow in moist well-drained loamy acidic potting soil and place in bright indirect lighting. They can tolerate morning sun. Allow the soil to partially dry between waterings, then water deeply and thoroughly.
1. https://www.picturethisai.com/wiki/Polyscias_guilfoylei.html
2. https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/polyscias-guilfoylei/
3. https://www.cabidigitallibrary.org/doi/10.1079/cabicompendium.119657