
Division of Event                       : Workshops & Webinars

Date                                              : 03rd and 04th February 2020

Title of the Event                      :  Epigraphy

Organized by                             : Department of History

Description :

A two-day workshop on Epigraphy was conducted by the Department of History on 03rd and 04th February 2020. Dr. V. Vedachalam, Epigraphist, Tamil Nadu State Department of Archaeology, trained the students to read and write the ancient scripts Brahmi, Grantham and Vatelluthu. The workshop enabled students to read the 2000 year old Tamil inscriptions at Mangulam and Aritapatti. The students were also trained in the art of making estampages, a process of 'lifting' the inscriptions from the stone on to a piece of paper for a clearer read.