Division of Event : Field / Industrial Visit & Tour
Date : 17-03-2019
Organized by : PG & Research Department of Zoology
Title of the Event : Field Visit
Sponsored by : Vivekananda College
Description :
Students of 3rd BSc Zoology along with staff members V. Parthasarathy and R. Muthupandi visited the oven industry madurai India win industry thevar exposed to pasteurization of Milk preservation of milk separation of cream preparation of butter preparation of g h e e preparation of Ice cream preparation of flavoured milk and other dairy products Then they visited vetinary centre and clinic at tallakulam madurai and extraordinary notes on artificial insemination diseases of diary under diary management were given by the doctor in charge of the clinic Then they visited the kadachanendhal fish farm and carolina culture a good account of fish their values marketing prices forgiven by Mr Rajendran